
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is an FDA prescription medication

used for the treatment of submental fat (meaning fat that is deposited under the chin).

Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring enzyme in the gallbladder that emulsifies (breaks down) fat in the foods we eat. Injected directly into adipose tissue (fat) it works by destroying the fat cells in the same manner. Since fat cells are incapable of regenerating or “growing back”, results are permanent.

2-4 series of treatments are typically required on average for optimal results depending on the patients goals. Treatments are spaced 4-6 weeks apart.


Pregnancy and/or nursing is a contraindication to the administration of Kybella

  • If possible, schedule your apointment at least 4 weeks prior to a special event such as a wedding or vacation. This allows ample time for swelling, etc to subside.

  • Avoid Alcohol for a minimum of 24 hours prior to injection.

  • Avoid the use of Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Aspirin, Aleve, Vitamin E, Garlic, Ginseng, Ginko Biloba, Fish Oil, Vitamin A, St.John's wort and/or any other essential fatty acid supplements for a minimum of 7 days prior to treatment as these can increase risk for bruising or bleeding. Please consult your PCP prior to discontinuing any medications.

  • Also avoid high sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, spicy foods, and cigarettes 24-48 hours pre and post procedure, as these can delay healing, and increase risk for bruising and swelling.

  • Please reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you develop signs or symptoms of illness such as cold, flu, sold sores, rash, COVID-19, etc. Subject to canellation fee if less than 24 hours notice.

  • You must wait at least 10 days (or until all symptoms have subsided) from a previous cosmetic treatment, such as laser, ultrasound, facial peels, or microdermabrasion to have Botox administered.

  • If possible, please arrive to your scheduled appointment with a clean face, free of lotions, creams, or make-up.

  • Pineapple can be eaten in the days leading up to your appointment as well if you are prone to bruising. It contains an exzyme called bromelain that helps your body reduce pain bruising and swelling.

  • Arnica tablets can be taken as directed starting 5 days prior to your appointment to minimize bruising if cleared by your PCP to do so.

  • Please make sure to have a good meal including food and beverage prior to your procedure. This will decrease the chances of dizziness/lightheadedness during your treatment.

  • Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to complete any necessary paperwork and provide time to utilize numbing creams if necessary/desired.

Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns! We look forward to seeing you soon!


  • Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours.

  • Do not massage injections sites.

  • After 24 hours, ice packs may be used- ice for 15 minutes on every hour. Never use ice directly on skin, use cloth barrier, etc.

  • Compress is ok and encouraged to help with swelling and comfort.

  • Avoid facial massage, facials, microdermabrasion, micro-blading, or any other facial treatment for at least 14 days post injection.

  • Avoid Exercise for 24 hours.

  • Avoid excessive heat such as tanning beds, saunas, hot tubs, or hot showers for 24 hours.

  • If possible, sleep elevated to help with swelling.

  • Avoid the use of supplements or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for at least 72 hours to reduce the risk of increased bruising. Tylenol is ok.

  • Make a follow up appointment in 4 weeks.

  • Call provider for fever, redness, swelling, increased pain, numbness, difficulty swallowing, facial asymmetry, difficulty, smiling, dusky discoloration, or any other questions or concerns.

  • Do NOT use social media platforms for communication in regards to your treatment.

  • For urgent matters, contact our office immediately

  • Call 911 for shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain, or any other life threatening concerns.

  • DO call with any questions or concerns!

Your Pre/Post Injection Compliance is crutial to enhance your success for successful outcomes

Before & After


Medical Weight loss


Professional Skin Care Services (Medical Grade)